We at «Genius Lovers» know you had many options to choose from, we thank you for choosing us. Please take a few moments and write us a review. It will help us improve our services. We hope to have the pleasure of doing business with you in the future. Don’t forget to explore all products and projects we provide on our web site. We always open for any suggestion or collaboration.
Hey, Genius Lovers! I downloaded your sound therapy pack, and it was helpful for me and my sister. We try to deal with anxiety for so long and your music really helps to calm down and relax after stressful day! Thank you for all you are guys doing!
Andrew. W
Hi Genius Lovers! Your web site is so cool! I will recommend it to my friends who feel any type of depression and anxiety. I bought your sound therapy album and waiting for new one coz I listen to them every night before I go to bed. Thank you, Alexandra, to make it to this world!
Sheina. T
I found your web site through my friend I was really impressed! I'm sure everyone who listen to your sound therapy music will come back to buy the new tracks! I use them for meditation practice and when I feel I need to find my safe place in this world. As for me, Alexandra you make this music so special, and it helps me to avoid stress and deal better with panic attacks!
Ben. S
OMG, this is a very special sound therapy playlist.  It helps me to break the emotional wall with myself and I become grateful about my past. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!  I recommend it to everyone, who is scared and lost right now in these hard times.
Tiona. B
Guys, you are amazing!  New Era collection is beyond wonderful, and generally fantastic. I bought one from your digital prints collection.  Please create more art with different techniques.  I want to see more and more of your work.  I really liked your  drawing, so vivid , bold  and dynamic. Don’t forget to post your art works on your Instagram page. Whatever i can, I’ll buy some of you canvases for my home collection, if I can't, I’ll at least admire you. Thank you for being yourself in your art. 
Evgeny. S
Hi Genius Lovers,
 Your web site is so pleasure to visit.  Bright and colorful. I will recommend it to my friends against depression. I bought some of your sound therapy tracks, they calm me down when I’m exhausted after long working day.  Good luck to Sasha and Anna. You’re both make a big deal for this world)))
Elena. T
Hello GL! I found your web site by chance, through the google advertisement... I rejoiced from all the bottom of my heart with your mandalas collection. So bright and energetic.  I bought all of them. I'm sure everyone who use them for their meditation practice have a great results. As for me, I use them like Vedic yantras .I also propose you to be friends, exchange ideas, creative plans and maybe make a mutual collaboration. I am also an artist...
Of course, if it’s possible) I’ll Dm you here.
Sara. G
I liked the cheerfulness in all your art works. In this technique, it is quite difficult to convey such a futuristic and optimistic mood, which pervades all the pictures.
 I wish you an endless inspiration and continuation of individual creativity for many years to come. 
I use your tiger mandala from “symbol of the year collection” as my phone background. Looking forward to seeing your customized T-shirts with tiger, monkey and unicorn. I’ll be the first one who will order it. 
Arina. T

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