Let’s look for this technology with a specific example. For example, you need to calm down or reduce your anxiety. You select a specific relaxation function in the application. A picture appears on the phone screen with a colour in this blue. The blue wavelength is about 4.900A, 490nm. A person focuses on visualizing a given colour (for deaf people) or sound (for the blind) until he hears / feels a sound signal from a wrist device. The signal will mean that the device has synchronized with the long wave emitted by the human brain and is ready to work.
The device, having tuned in to your wave frequency, instructs the brain to normalize cortisol levels, sugar levels, blood pressure and increase the level of oxytocin in your body. Through which you get calming and stress reduction. And now later, as soon as a person thinks about a certain shade of blue and his device will be in the on mode. He will be able to automatically calm down and get a certain result if the device considers that any of the above indicators are overestimated.
Also, our device helps a person to cope with the stress level in his life. A person visualizes colours and these frequencies help him experience certain states: relaxation / deep sleep (if there are problems with sleep), reduced pain, anxiety or tension.
The functionality of the Helena-M device is planned to be made variable, so that people can choose the effect on the brain through colour or sound, depending on their strong channel. The device, synchronized with the human brain, will show certain colours or create certain vibrations that will affect the person's neural connections. Depending on the task, the program will issue a specific algorithm to be encoded in the system. The algorithms will be configured in such a way that a person can choose a program for himself according to the subject of his request. Each colour and sound will correspond to a certain frequency (colour) and sound wave (vibration), which will allow the formation of new neural connections or replace old ones with new ones. This technology can also be used to increase concentration, fight fears, and deep sleep.
We plan to involve therapists to identify average readings for each type of people with a specific heart rate and blood pressure (high / low)